Livestock Farming

 Poultry Farming

From small family-type units, up to large scale with modern integration, our turn-key solutions include all the production chain from the hatchery to the plate.

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 Ostrich Farming

Ostrich farming is now an international industry. It is considered to be among the most profitable agricultural projects. 

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Soil/Soil-less/Hydroponic growing methods

Hydroponics comes from the Greek word “hydro,” meaning water, and “ponos,” meaning labor. In other words, hydroponics is gardening without soil. Growing food in a desert can be difficult because of extreme temperatures, low natural precipitation and limited arable soil. Hydroponics can be a viable option to reliably grow fruits, vegetables and herbs, regardless of climate, soil availability or space. soil is certainly our most abundant growing medium, but it also contains the typical macro and micro-nutrients needed for plant growth. When water travels through soil, it takes those nutrients with it to the plant roots. In soilless agriculture, such as hydroponics, we simply deliver these same nutrients that have been pre-mixed into a water reservoir, along with high levels of oxygen, efficiently to the plant roots. There is so much to unpack when it comes to soilless agriculture, so this article is going to mainly focus on the typical hydroponic cultivation methods you can use, their advantages, and a little about aquaponics and organic methods.